People around the world are waking up and re-claiming their Birth Rights as Sovereign Living Man of Flesh and Blood on the Land. Be aware, HU-MANity is currently still be-ing enslaved, limited by the Letter, many Plantation Managers having sold their souls and 'profiting' from you, as a Racketeering Act, the perpetuation of a Slavery System, as a Criminal Organisation. When will YOU wake up, do not you know you was BORN FREE, your name NOT Tobi (to-be), YOU ARE THAT I AM, Omnes Sumus Deus!!!
Now, having said all this, take a deep breath, be the ONE, be the Core, the Living Principle of Harmony, the ONE that Shares without asking any-thing in return, Tandem Erit Messis ...
- Individual Sovereigns Connect
- Individual Sovereigns Educating Masses
- More Individuals Claiming Own Sovereignty
This Project Managed by: Prince Patrick
- Commonwealth - UK/USA/Canada/etc.: All Debt is Prepaid!
- Europe - The place currently known as The Netherlands: Een ongewoon gesprek met de gemeente ambtenaar deel 1 van 4

Cestui Que Vie Act 1666

Message to Police

Prevent Foreclosure and Mortage Fraud

Retired Judge Spills the Beans


How to Avoid Getting Vaccinations

Executie veiling deel 1 met uitleg van Luca; van de familie van Dinter

Geheim Code 7

Gerechtsdeurwaarder komt net voor de kerst

Hoezo 'beslaglegging' bij een de heer HUPPELEPUP?

Hypotheek Drama Punt NL


Ik Claim Mijn Naam Punt NL

Maarten; van de familie Lusink over Soevereine Mensen

Presentatie de Soevereine Mens

Vrij Mens Tegen Zijn Wil Ontvoerd? Uurtje Factuurtje!