Dear Friends, you may find strange this our Request, for don't people get 'free' money, or, are there no Food Banks?!
Seen as such, your opinion seems correct, however, look at it this way, many Good Foods get Destroyed, this be such a Waste while still there be Demand and something In-Side of us tells this can't be correct. Fact is 'benefits', such as Food Banks, are 'regulated' for 'natural' PERSONS only. At the Core they are ALL Living Man/Wombman, our Fellow Men, Sentient Beings, and when in Abundance, why not Share?
We specifically ask Shops to be Aware, for many types of Abundance may exist, such as Clothes or Shoes, those taking Space in your Storage, without being 'sold', even at Discount, so, why not give them away to those in 'need', making available again said space for that which turns around quick. Those of you with Restaurants, Take-Away Foods, if you can't keep it to sell next day, why not give it away? (Super)Markets, with 'over-date' Products, why not give it away?
How can we make this Sharing Abundance work?
We have two parties involved, those that Share and those in Need. Those that Share can Indicate this by putting a Sticker on the Window, so those in need may know where go. The other party involved may enter your Shop and Show a Card, indicating a Request and a Promise. The Request is Clear, but also they Promise having no 'money' to buy, so Please, those Using said Card, DO NOT MAKE ABUSE OF GENEROSITY, getting Shared Abundance without asking any-thing in return, when in Fact you have enough money to 'buy', for this is a Matter of Trust, by Expression of Free Will!
Please, do Feel Free Copy this 'concept' (Right to Copy), Change the Card, Change the Stickers, the Language, any way you like, for 'we' need not be part, for this is Assistance to our Fellow Man, not EGO based ...
- Those that Wish Share Abundance, such as Shops or Restaurants, Placing Sticker at Window.
- Those in Need, Please Copy Card for Go(o)d Use, Write on it Your Name, such as Patrick, have it Folded for protection.
- A Space to Distribute and Volunteers (could be Church, Mosque or other Public Space), for some may feel Wish Share yet not between 'clients', or for that which takes more 'time' Distribute, such as Pram or Maxi Cosi.
- Some Addition to this, for making available the Concept of Just-In-Time-Pre-Paid as per APP, needs a COMMERCIAL PARTY, such as a BANK, for INTER-BANK Background Processing, such as based on iDEAL, Please do Contact for Specific Info.
Check Here, Fully Transparent
This Project Managed by: Prince Patrick
- Downloads: Sharing Abundance Card, English
- Additional Resources: HowTo Start Sharing in Realms of COMMERCE

Window Sticker for Shops, Dutch/English, 15cm

Window Sticker for Shops, Dutch/English, 10cm

Weggeef'winkels', Gratis/Omniet, voor iedereen, zonder uitzondering

Destroying Good Food Made Illegal in France

Doordraaien van Groenten en Vis is Voedselverspilling in het Kwadraat

Providing countless people in need with Meals by leaving a Working Refrigerator Outside of the Restaurant

Affordable Foods

Robin Hood India Herverdeeld Maaltijden van Restaurants