Declaration of Indigenous Sovereignty
Hear Ye Hear Ye!
The Indiginous People, living in the geographic location before known as British Columbia Canada, have taken their Birth Right to re-claim Sovereignty on themselves and their lands! Said claim has been co-signed by Stephen Palmer, Grand Master Sovereign White Knights of Malta - Order of St. Germain.
At 28th of March 2013 Senk'Lip, on behalf of all the bands of the so called Demesne lands of the crown, filed a claim against the Corporation, known as the State of Canada. This claim will liberate all that live in the area, making them Sovereign again instead of citizens/subjects/slaves. Even when this act is Peacefull, it will have repercussions, please read the documents below carefully.
Given this new reality we are open to connect to all that have the wish to connect, to re-cognize us as we re-cognize them, to exchange culture, to share, to make agreements, with all that wished, for the good of all(-that-is).
- Other Bands in Region Connect
- Individuals Connect
- Make more Individual Claims
This Project Managed by: Grand Master, however, he Wishes for a Younger Spirit to take over ...
Civil Claim

Declaration of Freedom

Demand Letter

Tamxwulaxws Sovereignty Declaration

Explanation of Flag