This is the page defining Zadok Lempert, PhD, Prof (emeritus) to THAT I AM ...
Sir Zadok S. Lempert

- Zadok Severin Lempert, a Swiss national, since 2005 living in Thailand with wife Katharina.
- Due to worldwide consultancy, audit and lecturing assignments, have become a 'world citizen' and continuously been living like a 'jet-age gypsy' - and enjoying every bit of it.

- PhD in economics and business-administration
- CHE - Certified Hospitality Educator
- MBA in Marketing and Financial Controlling
- Professor for Tourism Development and Environmental Management

- Some 40 years experience in international tourism and environmental management and has served intop-executive positions independently as well as with inter-national NGOs.
- In 1976 became a pioneer in Special-Interest and Eco-Tourism and since then progressively specialised further in sustainable development, environmental management, humanitarian-sustainable economic-rehabilitation and development.
- World-class networking expert, who draws on outstanding cross-cultural and multi-lingual facilitation and coordination skills. He established and continuously maintains international contacts to multi-governmental, national-governmental, NGOs and institutions, donor agencies.
- Frequently participate in multi-national decision-making development committees, dealing with social-economic-ecologic enhancement, research and rehabilitation plans/programs as well as their funding campaigns, comprising members from the sectors: Multi-governmental institutions, national governmental initiatives, local governments and PPP (Public-Private-Partnerships), private sector, NGOs.
- Repeatedly invited to speak at conferences, lecture in seminars, supervise project progress and reporting.

- CEO of Panorama Group International Ltd.
- CEO of I.N.S.T.E.A.D. – International Network for Sustainability, Tourism, Environment, Aid & Development
- Knight Commander Sovereign White Knights of Malta - Order of St. Germain

Past Functions
- Advisor to the Minister of Tourism in Thailand and designed the concept of Medical Tourism for the country.
- Managing Director of Irene Tourism International – a tour operator specialising in expeditions to follow natural and cultural phenomenon worldwide.
- CEO of Panorama Group Ltd., a Swiss company specialising in design, concept and structures, implementation, management of internationally funded sustainable humanitarian economic-ecologic-social community-development and tourism programs.
- Chief Delegate UNDP/EU-ECHO/Caritas Rehabilitation Consortium to East- and Horn-of-Africa.
- CEO of INEM - the World Federation of National Associations for Environmental Management, Cleaner Production and Local Agenda 21.
- CEO of IFOAM - the World Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements.

Academic Research and Development Institutes
- Faculty of Economics, Environment and Wildlife, Tourism – UNISA, University of South Africa, Pretoria.
- Thai Ecotourism Institute – University of Srinakarinwiroth, Bangkok.
- Asian Technology Institute – Asian Disaster Preparedness Institute, Bangkok.
- AERC – African Economic Research Council, Nairobi.
- AVU – African Virtual University, Nairobi.
- IEEEI – International Economic Environmental Education Institute, Lund.
- Faculty of Economy and Tourism Research Studies – University of Zheijian, Hangzhou.
- Faculty of Economic Environmental Studies, Sheikh Zayed International Award Academy, Dubai.
- UNDP Humanitarian Development Facilitation Sub Units, New York, Addis Abeba, Beirut.
- UNESCO World Heritage, Office for Asia, Bangkok.
- European Economic & Environmental Agency, Copenhagen, Division for Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Directive.
- OECD, Division for Economic Development, Eastern Europe and NIS.
- UNIDO Industrial Investments and Economic Development, Vienna.
- UNEP, Division of Technology, Industry and Economics, Production and Consumption Unit, Paris.
- IULA - International Union of Local Authorities, Local Agenda21 and PPP Initiatives.
- UN HABITAT, Sustainable Cities Division, Nairobi.
- Initiation and coordination of the GEMS – Global Environmental Management Survey in CEE & NIS countries, funded by the European Commission.
- Initiation and coordination of the EEBN – European Environmental Benchmarking Network Survey program, funded by the European Commission.
- Initiation and coordination of the INEMIS – International Network for Environmental Management Information Systems program, funded by the EC, Germany, Sweden, CIDA.
- Initiation and coordination of the POEMS – Productivity and Organisation of Environmental Management Systems in Communities and Industry projects in CEE & NIS countries, funded by the EC, Germany, Switzerland.
- Participation on the Steering Committee of ABEI – Aarhus Business and Environment Initiative in CEE & NIS countries, funded by OECD.
- Initiation and coordination of Euro-SOLAR in Housekeeping Initiative in Germany.
- PATA Task Force Economic Research Project: China Yangtze River Delta Development Through International Marketing & Tourism.
- Province of Guimaras, Philippines: Governor's Master-Plan of Provincial Economic Development.
- South Africa "Green" and "White" Policy Research Papers on Master-Plan Environment & Tourism.

Memberships and Committees
- Advisory Board, Bureau of Environment & Culture, PATA.
- International Association of Academic Experts in Tourism, AIEST.
- Advisory Board, Ecosystem Conservation Support Foundation, The Panorama Group Ltd.
- Senior Representatives Group of the Baltic 21 Commission.
- Member Steering Committee ABEI Aarhus Business & Environment.
- Member OECD EAP Taskforce CEE & NIS Governments / Industry.
- Member UNEP Consultative Group of Industrial Associations.
- Observer UNIDO industrial investments and development council.
- Member Swiss Federation of Professional Fundraisers.