This is the page defining Steven Cozzi to THAT I AM ...
Sir Steven Cozzi

Steven James Cozzi (aka Blue Maji), Born 9/26/45 in Chicago, of Scottish and German ancestry.

Lifestyle and Teaching
- August 1968 - Began study of Kriya Yoga and Astrology in Chicago. Il.
- March 1969 - First meeting with spiritual preceptor Shelly Trimmer (Shi Shellyji) in Bradenton, FL.
The Beginning of a 28 year relationship. - September 1970 - Began teaching Astrology & Kriya Yoga in Boulder & Denver, CO.
- January 1975 - Continuing teaching and entered college.
Two sons born Anthony 1976 & Nicholas 1979. - August 1977 - Completed college at Metro. State in Denver, major in Psychology, minor Biology.
- Spring 1979 - Became certified Hatha Yoga Teacher.
Resumed teaching Yoga and Astrology. - April 1982 - Speaker at Santa Fe Astrology conference.
- July 1984 - Speaker at American Federation of Astrologers convention in Las Vegas.
- November 1986 - First book published "Generations and Outer Planet Cycles", AFA, Tempe, AZ.
- 1987 & 1989 - Speaker at National Council for Geo-Cosmic Research (NCGR) conventions in Chicago & New Orleans.
- October 1988 - Second book published "Planets in Locality" Llewellyn, MN, third printing 1997, AFA.
- 1988 to 1996 - Lectured 25 times, In eight countries and fifteen states.
- 1998 - Wrote Astro-Locality Chapter for NCGR teacher training manual.
- 1999 - Wrote "Zenith Point" article for N.C.G. R. Journal.
- 2000 - Received highest level IV of certification with NCGR.
- December 2002 - Third book "Gray Mist at Dawn", The Story of Kriya Yoga’s Hidden Master, Shi Shellyji.
- July 2007 - Accepted Crimson Circle "Standard". Became "Death & Birth Dream Walker" teacher.
- Presently - Continuing 47 year practice of Yoga psychotherapy and Astrological consultations Researching:
Psychology, Physical qualities of Meditation & Physics of Density change.

- July 2009 - Awarded Master of Science, Professor of Esoteric Anthropology (tenured) - University of Quantum Dynamics.
- 2012 - Made Knight in Sovereign White Knights, Order of St. Germain.

To that which keeps me animated: